Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hello again. It's been a while since I last updated this, I haven't been particularly busy or anything, just kinda lazy. Some stuff has happened, so I have actual stuff to talk about this time.

About three weeks ago, or something like that, I had this AFS meeting activity thing that lasted all day and was pretty boring, so I'm not actually going to talk about it. But the day after that I went to this really nice small beach. It's probably my favourite beach in Venezuela so far. It doesn't have all of the tourist commercial stuff, it's just a beach. That's why I like it. I went snorkelling for the first time. It was super duper fun. The water was quite clear, so it was cool swimming around and looking at the fish and stuff.

Then like, a week later, we had this activity where we bought some toys to donate to poor kids. So we went to the Newspaper that was running the program and donated the toys, and then we got our photo taken. I assume they put it in the Newspaper, or are going to, but I forgot the name of it, so I don't know. The day after we had this Christmas dinner thing, which was alright. I don't really like Venezuelan food very much.

I finished school on the 13th, so now I'm on holiday until sometime in January, I'm not sure when.

I can't really be bothered describing the trip that I'm going on next month, so I'll just talk about it after I've gone on it.

I can't think of anything else to talk about, it's raining a lot right now, like, everyday. Ummm, that's pretty much it. I'm not making any promises on when I'll next update this.