Sunday, February 5, 2012


Ok, I know, it's been more than a month since my last update. I've been busy at times, but mostly just lazy. I've kinda just been procrastinating updating this. But now I'm doing it, so we can all just chill, all two of us. This update won't include stuff about my trip and most of January, because I can't be bothered at the moment. I figure I should just tell you about Christmas and stuff.

Ok, so we celebrated Christmas on the 24th by going to my host grandmother's house for dinner and stuff, pretty normal, not that interesting. The traditional Venezuelan Christmas food is a Hallaca. I'm just copying the wikipedia description, because it's exactly what I had. It is a mixture of beef, pork, chicken, capers, raisins, and olives wrapped in maize (cornmeal dough), bound with string within plantain leaves, and boiled or steamed afterwards. I'm not a big fan of it. It tastes kinda weird. We also had pork, and turkey, at least I'm pretty sure it was turkey, I can't really remember it. We had a similar dinner for New Years, which was at the house of my host dad's parents. That was pretty good. Lots of people, my host dad has a large family, with lots of little kids, which would suck if I disliked kids, but I don't really mind them. Except when there are more than two of them, which there were. But New Years was pretty good. I haven't gotten Homesick yet, which is good. I miss New Zealand and stuff, but I haven't suffered from my idea of homesickness.

*Oh, I forgot to mention that I made Afghan Biscuits for my family, because Afghan Biscuits are from New Zealand. They all seemed to like them, and I thought they were pretty nice.

Ok, so it's a short update, but I'll write more in the next couple of days. I'll also add a photo or two to this after I've slept a bit, it's quite late right now. And I'll write about my trip and the rest of January in my next update in the next couple of days.

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