Thursday, September 1, 2011

Buenos Aires

As I write this I sit in an apartment that belongs to some AFS volunteers and former participants in Buenos Aires. My flight from Auckland to Buenos Aires was long, but luckily I managed to get some sleep, and was sitting next to a cool Australian dude who was going on a trip across South America.

My plane landed in Buenos Aires at about 4pm local time, and I went through customs to meet an AFS volunteer who escorted me to the apartment that I am in now. I've been able to have some food and a shower, so that's pretty good.

I've had mixed feelings about my experience so far, jumping between nervousness, excitement, and a little bit of sadness, but I feel pretty good right now.

My flight to Caracas leaves at about 7am tomorrow, I'll have to get up really early, so I should get some sleep. My next post will probably be from Porlamar. Goodbye until then.

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