Friday, October 7, 2011

More Stuff

Hi, it's been a while since my last post, sorry. There hasn't been that much to write about though, so it's not my fault. I guess I'll describe the events of the past weekish in Chronological order, that makes sense.

So last Saturday was my first AFS Margarita meeting. It was fun. The other AFS students hosted in Margarita (A swiss guy and two Italian girls, I don't know if I've mentioned that) and I were taught how to make Arepas, one of the traditional Venezuelan foods. Venezuelans seem very proud of their Arepas, almost every Venezuelan has asked me if I've tried one and react with amazement when I tell them that I think they're alright, and not super duper fabulously awesome. The meeting itself wasn't really a meeting. It was just everyone gathering to talk and hang out, quite different from the meetings of AFS Waitakere.

The following Monday was my first day at school. I got up at about 6 in the morning (obviously in the morning) to get ready for school. I'm pretty sure all schools here have the same uniform, I think it's a government thing. They use different colours for different age groups. The high school aged students wear a beige polo shirt, long dark blue pants and black shoes. When I got to school, I realised how super tiny it is. I think the school could fit into Avondale College at least twenty times, probably more. People are pretty amazed when I tell them that the school I went to in New Zealand has almost 3000 students. I think my school here has about 200 students, maybe that's over estimating. Anyway, so everyday here starts with the students of the school gathering to sing the National Anthem and listen to some teachers say something. On Monday I had school from 7 to 11.30ish, but usually on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I have school from 7 to 3. On Thursday from 7 to 1ish, and I don't have school on Fridays. Not all schools have the same hours though. Other schools might go from 7 to 12, five days a week, and others might go from 8 to 4, four days a week. It depends on the school. I've been getting a lot of attention. It's a little overwhelming at times, having like 15 people gathered around me asking me questions in really quick Spanish. Fortunately there are a few people in my class that can speak English that are helping me out. The school is quite close to my house, so I walk home everyday, but get a ride to school in the morning. I can't think of anything else to say about school.

And last night I went to the movies with some friends from school. We saw Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, it was pretty good.

There's not much else to write about, so that's pretty much it. I haven't put photos up yet, I will eventually, my goal is to put some up before the end of the month. Everything is going pretty well, it'll probably be at least two weeks before my next post. Maybe that'll be my schedule, an update every two weeks. Ok, so check back in two weeks.

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