Friday, October 21, 2011

An Uncreative Name

Hello again. I don't actually know if anyone reads this, so at times it feels strange writing it, kinda like an online diary. If you wanted to, you could comment on it, make me feel a little bit less silly.

So I've been going to school for three weeks now, and I've been in Venezuela for almost two months. It's been pretty great, school is good. Class is quite boring, but everyone is really nice to me. I feel bad when someone says hi to me and I don't know their name. It happens quite often The teachers mostly just dictate information to the class to take notes. English and Chemistry are the easiest subjects, I've already studied the stuff they're doing in Chemistry, so it's still quite boring, but for different reasons than the other classes. Having school for eight hours a day is really tiring, but not having school on Fridays almost makes up for it.

I went to the movies again to see Transformers. I don't know how long it's been at the cinemas here, but it seems Venezuela is quite far behind when it comes to movie releases. The movie is pretty awful, and really long. I've also discovered that going to the movies is much cheaper here. It cost me 20 Bolivares to see Transformers, which is less than five dollars.

The Sunday after that I went to a couple of beaches and this National Park where we took a ride on a boat through this thing. I can't even remember the name of the National Park, and I don't know how to describe how it was. Kinda makes it pointless that I'm even writing about it, I don't know why I am.

Tomorrow I have an AFS meeting thing. I have to do a brief presentation about New Zealand and bring some New Zealand food. The presentation thing is easy, but the New Zealand food thing isn't. Even right now, the only New Zealand food I can think of is a Pavlova. I would make a Pavlova, but it takes so much time and effort. So I googled New Zealand food, and I know that you're thinking I should have found this stuff out before I left New Zealand, and, you know, that's a good point. I guess I just forgot, but is there even such a thing as "New Zealand Food"? You know, Italy has Pizza and a bunch of other stuff, but what does New Zealand have? Yeah, it's because we're really just a British country, and you'd like to say Fush and Chups, but that's British, at least Fish and Chips are. Umm, anyway, I googled New Zealand food, and it turns out that Afghan Biscuits are from New Zealand. I don't know if you knew that, you probably did, but I didn't. So that's what I'm going to make, I hope it'll be acceptable. Biscuits aren't much of a meal, but biscuits are easy to make, so I'll make those tomorrow.

I should apologise about the lack of pictures on here and Facebook. Right now I need to get an adapter to charge my camera, and the photos I have already take ages to upload. I need to make them smaller and then upload them. I promise I'll do that before the end of the month. I'm sorry.

That's pretty much it for now. I'll update in two weeks or less.


  1. I knew afghans were from NZ. And I read your posts all the time and I tell everyone to read them so that's like 900000 people right there. Keep writing. Have fun.

  2. Oh, and the email notification thing works as well.

  3. You tell everyone you know? That's like, what, two people, me and Ollie? And Ollie can't use a computer, he's a dog.

  4. Damn. Is that why he never texts me back? I know like twice the amount of people that you know. I know like, at least, double, I think. Maybe three times. It's between double and three times.

  5. I didn't realize Afghans were from NZ ,but it sounds like a good idea to me. I hope they turn out ok
