Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hello to whoever reads this. I now feel a little bit less silly, so thank you for commenting, all three of you, ha.  I think I forgot to mention that I had to get a haircut a few weeks ago. It was fine, nothing horrible.

I didn't end up making afghan biscuits because we couldn't get the ingredients in time, but it didn't matter. My little presentation went well, people laughed when I told them that New Zealand had 30 million more sheep than people. Apparently I have another AFS meeting on Sunday, so I can tell you about that next time I update this.

Last Thursday night I flew with my family to Caracas and stayed until midday on Sunday. The first night we stayed with cousins and stuff. They have a very nice apartment, and I got to play Fifa 12 for the first time with my cousin (NZ vs. Brazil 1-1, oh yeah). Security is quite important in Caracas, as you would expect of a city with such high crime rates. Their apartment complex was fenced off and had guards and stuff. Every apartment complex/building I've seen is fenced off with quite a bit of security, not just the ones in Caracas actually.

Me with my Mum and Cousin.
View of some of Caracas from the cable car
Anyway, the first day in Caracas I didn't do anything, just played playstation while the others were off doing important things, but that night we went to my Uncle's apartment, and we stayed there for the next two nights. Saturday was the most interesting day. We went to El Avila National Park or Waraira Repano, which was pretty awesome. The national park covers part of a mountain range, and we took the cable car up to the top. The cable car is quite exciting, it takes you up the mountain at 2,135m above sea level, at least that's what Wikipedia tells me. At the top there's a whole bunch of stuff. There's a big walk way that you, um, walk on, obviously, to take a look around, and shops, street performers, and food places. Turns out that some people enjoy hot chocolate with bits of cheese in it. I don't know why.  Anyway, there are photos on Facebook that my mum kindly took and uploaded, and I got a few scenery shots with my iPod, which should make them easier to upload, but not as great quality. I still haven't got an adapter to charge my camera with, but I will soon.

Um, what else is there?  School is still going pretty well. It's very nice having 3 day weekends every week. I can't think of anything else. This was going to be uploaded on Friday, but I lost my internet, so it being behind schedule isn't my fault. If you want to view more photos, just go on my Facebook page.

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