Saturday, November 26, 2011

Another Post

Hi, I realise that I'm a week late, but I kinda just forgot to update this. There hasn't been much happening.

On Wednesday night, my family went to Miami, leaving me to stay with my contact person, in La Asuncion, until Sunday, tomorrow. They bought the tickets back in June because, being around Thanksgiving, it's a very busy time.

School has been easy, and boring. The teachers don't make me do any work in class, they don't really care what I do. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but if one of your teachers doesn't show up that day, then you don't have class. On Thursday I had school for two hours, just two hours. There's not even any point to that. That's retarded. I'm not saying I don't like that it was for two hours only, but having to get up at six in the morning for two hours of nothing at school, it's just a little annoying. Monday that week I was supposed to finish at three, but I finished at like, 11 instead.

I can't think of anything else to write, when I'm out doing stuff, I think of cool stuff I could say, well not cool, really just stuff. But then I just forget when it's time to write it. I'll probably update this blog again tomorrow with some more information and stuff.

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