Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just Four Days Later

Nothing huge has happened, my last post was very small, so I felt I should post again with some general information and other stuff.

Alright, my school. I go to a school that is pretty close to my home, a ten minute-ish walk. The school is very small, I'd guess that it has around 100 students, which is quite a change from the 2,500ish at Avondale College. My school schedule confuses me. They gave me a timetable, but now I'm pretty sure that was just to confuse me. Some weird joke. Crazy Venezuelan school people and their weird jokes. The classes are boring, mostly due to the fact that I don't really understand what the teachers are saying. Also, teachers here mostly dictate information to you to take notes, instead of writing stuff on the board and using powerpoints. I take Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Spanish, English, Geography, PE, and maybe some other stuff that I can't remember right now. PE and English are the only classes I actually do anything in, and I don't even consider PE to be a real class. Here kickball is a real sport. It's kinda lame, similar to baseball, not that I'm saying I think baseball is lame, but I do.

The weather here is pretty nice, but that's subjective. It's easy to like it one day, and then hate it the next. The heat is intense. For some reason we do PE in the middle of the day. I don't even have to do much to start sweating profusely, it's disgusting. Occasionally it rains, and I've experienced quite a bit of thunder and lightning. 

I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but power cuts are quite common here. It's pretty annoying, but they usually don't last very long. 

In Venezuela Lunch is the main meal of the day, not dinner. I usually have Lunch after I get home from school, and then we have dinner sometime after my host-mum gets home from work. I've just been having cereal for breakfast, so no change from New Zealand there.

I recently received an email concerning my first AFS trip. It gives me lots of information about it, but I can't really be bothered writing about it right now, maybe I'll write about it in my next post. The trip is from the 18th of January to the 26th of January. It's looks quite exciting, and it costs something like 3500 Bolivares. Currency exchange here is super annoying. For some reason the Government controls it, and the acquisition of foreign currency not through the government is illegal. If you exchange USD to Bolivares officially, then you get 4.3 Bolivares for ever US Dollar. But if you do it on the street, then you can get 8 for every US Dollar. So depending on where the money for the trip comes from, it could cost me like 1000 dollars, or like, 500. I have to pay for a flight to get to somewhere for the start of the trip as well, I'm not sure where though yet. Also I have to take spending money, so it's a pretty expensive trip, it looks great though.

That's pretty much it for now I think.

1 comment:

  1. you probably shouldn't do it illegally. especially after you went on the internet and spoke about it.

    you know Hugo reads these right?
